There are many methods to solve a 3×3 Magic Cube, but the first step is to match edges. To do this, find an edge piece that does not have yellow in either of its two colors. Then, move it until it matches a center on the top layer.
Next, perform one of the algorithms to cycle the corners. Afterward, orient the last layer and permute it.
How to solve a 3×3 cube
To solve a cube with the beginner method, start by orienting the corners. This is easiest done by putting two matching edges in the back and right face. If you can’t find a match, hold the cube with the unmatched corner vertical to your right and apply one of the following algorithms:
Next, permute the edges. This can be done in two ways, but most people use Ua-perm and E-perm. After that, orient the center pieces. To do this, turn the up and middle faces until the center color matches a corner piece.
Once you have all of the edges oriented correctly, you can move on to solving the cross. To do this, find an edge with a yellow color and perform either algorithm below. This should bring it into the top layer and swap it with a correct color in the bottom layer. Repeat until all the edge colors are solved.
Beginner method
If you are a beginner, the best way to solve your cube is to start with the cross on the bottom. This will help you understand how the pieces move and get used to the feel of manipulating the cube intuitively instead of using algorithms. Once you have mastered this step, the rest of the cube will be easy to solve.
Once you have completed the white cross, orient the edges and middle layers. Make sure that the edges of the front, back, and left sides are oriented above their matching center pieces on each side of the cube. You can do this by performing one of the following algorithms.
Once you have oriented the edges, permute the corners. There are only two algorithms you need to know for this step, and both of them are simple. Once you have done this, you should have a completely solved cube. This step takes a long time for most beginners, but with practice, you will be able to finish it in fewer than 15 moves.
Advanced method
There are many video tutorials available that show you how to solve a 3×3 cube using advanced methods. These techniques are not suitable for beginners, but they will give you a good idea of how to improve your solving times. Some of these videos do not use the notations needed to describe individual turns, which can be a bit overwhelming for beginners.
When using these video tutorials, remember that it takes time to learn the algorithms. You should try to practice a few times each week and work towards memorizing the whole algorithm. If you are able to memorize the entire algorithm, you will be much faster when solving your cube.
When building your cube, it is important to consider how the cards in it will play together. If aggressive white creatures such as Isamaru, Hound of Konda and Eight-and-a-Half-Tails aren’t getting drafted, they may need to be cut from your cube. This can help balance your cube against the more efficient blue counterspells.
Video tutorials
When drafting cubes for Magic, you want to have the most optimal drafting experience possible. To do this, you need to have an efficient way of selecting cards based on your favorite themes and strategies. While many players prefer to draft a full list of the most powerful cards, other players choose to build their cube around a specific theme or strategy.
A cube is a puzzle made up of 21 pieces: 1 principle piece, 8 corner pieces and 12 edge pieces. There are 519 quintillion[52] possible arrangements of the pieces, but only one in twelve is solvable.
If you’re a beginner, start by practicing the algorithm with just one face of the cube. This will help you understand how the algorithms work and how to move the pieces around without affecting others. As you progress, you’ll want to practice performing the algorithms on different faces of the cube. This will improve your solution times considerably.
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