The tracking status “In Transit” means that your parcel is on its way to the final destination. The parcel has to go through the different branches of the carrier’s network before being delivered to the recipient. This process can take some time, so please be patient.
If you have any questions about the status of your parcel, please contact the carrier directly.
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What does it mean if the Parcel is in transit?
When you track your shipment on the Delhivery website, you may see the status of your shipment as ‘In Transit. This means that your shipment is on its way to its final destination. It does not necessarily mean that your package is in a moving vehicle such as an aircraft or truck.
The status may also indicate that your shipment is being processed at a Delhivery facility or sorting center. If you have any questions about the status of your shipment, please contact Delhivery customer service.
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