As children grow up, parents are no longer obligated to provide financial support for them once they reach the age of majority. However, there are situations where adult children may still be entitled to receive financial assistance from their parents, such as when they are studying or have a disability. In Italy, this financial assistance is called “mantenimento figli maggiorenni” or maintenance for adult children.
If you are a parent or an adult child seeking guidance on maintenance for adult children, Studio Boero is here to help. Our legal experts have years of experience in family law and can guide you through the legal process of determining whether maintenance for adult children is applicable to your situation and how to pursue it.
In this article, we will delve into what maintenance for adult children entails, who is eligible for it, how it is calculated, and how Studio Boero can assist you in obtaining it.
What is Maintenance for Adult Children?
Maintenance for adult children is a form of financial support provided by parents to their adult children. It is intended to assist adult children who are unable to support themselves financially due to factors such as their age, disability, or education.
Who is Eligible for Maintenance for Adult Children?
In Italy, adult children may be eligible for maintenance if they are over 18 years of age and are unable to support themselves financially due to circumstances such as disability, unemployment, or studying. The eligibility of the adult child will depend on the specific circumstances of their situation, and it is up to the court to determine whether maintenance is necessary. Know more about mantenimento figlio here.
How is Maintenance for Adult Children Calculated?
The amount of maintenance to be paid to an adult child is calculated based on a number of factors, including the income and assets of both the parent and the child, the needs of the child, and the parent’s ability to pay. The court will also consider the lifestyle of the child before the separation of the parents and the standard of living they enjoyed as a family.
How Studio Boero can Assist You in Obtaining Maintenance for Adult Children
At Studio Boero, our legal experts understand that navigating family law matters can be challenging, especially when it comes to matters of financial support for adult children. That is why we are committed to providing our clients with expert legal guidance and representation in matters of maintenance for adult children.
Our experienced lawyers can assist you with determining whether you or your adult child is eligible for maintenance and can guide you through the process of calculating the amount of maintenance to be paid. We can also provide representation in court proceedings to ensure that your interests are protected and that you receive a fair outcome.
Maintenance for adult children is an important aspect of family law in Italy. If you or your adult child is in need of financial support, Studio Boero can help. Our legal experts have the knowledge and experience to guide you through the legal process of obtaining maintenance for adult children, and we are committed to ensuring that you receive the financial support you are entitled to. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards securing the financial future of your family.